was formed by Christina Earlymorn as "Herrin" in February of 2024 due to a very unpleasant time she witnessed in a job dealing with heretic people who claimed to be very religious, but their actions didn´t match their words.
This together in combination with the molestation she´s been through back in her childhood by a catholic nun sparked the desire to create a band project which serves as an outlet to deal with negative emotions these "religious" people create with their actions.
The music is a mix between of early "primitive" metal and some splash of second wave black metal´ish riffs, but is held in a very doomy and sometimes death´ish way of playing with some lightning fast solos.
The drums are blasting and pushing as same as the bass continues to be a glue between the beats and the riffs.
The lyrics are held in an general anti religious manner, because we see it as far more effective to provoke a shift in everyone´s head, that religion is just a dead fossil held "alive" by leaders & parents who baptize their children, because it is tradition.
If you disagree on child marriage and burning down "witches", why still be part of these clubs? Is it fear?
You can believe in a God. But when did you actively chose your religion?
Copyright All Rights Reserved © 2023 Christina Earlymorn